I read Donald Brown's Human Universals several years ago, and in developing a discussion of the prospects for long-term peaceful coexistence of humankind, pointing out the things we have in common is a good starting point. I will probably read the book again in the near future. It's still for sale, but only used copies are available.
The list of human universals was also extensively cited in Steven Pinker's The Blank Slate. Read the list here. Interestingly, these are characteristics for which there are NO known exceptions.
Following up on a recent discussion some of us have had, I will point out that culture is on the list. Culture is universal. It's the specific manifestations of cultures that differ and often trip us up. When you read the list it should come as no surprise that we all cry, we are all jealous, we are all proud, and we are all empathetic. There is a level at which we are all the same.
In looking for the cover art for the book online, I came across humanuniversals.com, which is the link to a college course on human universals (in which I'd love to enroll!) though it doesn't say which university, only that it's in the DC area. The link includes a great reading list, a cool FAQ, and other worthwhile bits of information. I've bookmarked it... I'll be reading it in detail.
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