Wilson had his League of Nations. FDR and Truman got the ball rolling on the United Nations and Bretton Woods. Kennedy started the Peace Corps and famously claimed to be a Berliner. Nixon went the China and Bush 41 thought out loud about a New World Order. Unfortunately, Bush 43 has decided it's us against the world in a bloody clash of civilizations, but hopefully that will soon be an unpleasant memory.
If elected, might Barack Obama be the first One World President? Black African father, white American mother. Raised in multi-cultural Hawaii with a several-year stay in Indonesia. Last week, in a speech in Berlin, Germany, he mentioned his fellow global citizens twice. While the right-wing and the ultra-nationalists are in a bother over his Berlin comments, might Barack Obama move the world closer to unity? I don't know for certain, but I'm hopeful.
Here's a link to the Berlin speech, A World That Stands as One (video, pics, transcript). The talking heads spouted that anyone, even McCain could have given this same speech. I couldn't disagree more. They fretted that it was banal and unspecific, I say it was a global picture in broad brush strokes.
President Barack Obama, of the United States of America. If we are able to say those words come January 2009, doesn't that mean the world has changed, at least a little bit?
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